Wednesday, August 12, 2009

To Live is Christ 8-12-09 -- Will You Commit to Moral Purity? Job 31:1

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To Live is Christ 8-12-09 --
Will You Commit to Moral Purity? Job 31:1
Greetings in the name of our most Precious Saviour Jesus Christ,
Life has been exciting and especially busy during July. I flew into
Tarapoto, Peru on June 19th. I moved into my Peruvian house on July 4th.
That same day the youth held a concert participating in this was a joy;
singing, and preaching through a translator. The team from Canada
arrived on July 8th which brought about an exciting, busy schedule. To
the right is a picture with the team, from left to right in the picture
stands Josh, Crystal, Jorge (a local, not with the team who helped at
different times) next is Jeremy, Camille, Blair, Tabitha,and then in
the lower row kneeling Shayla, Katie, and Kayla. The three men from the
team Josh, Jeremy, and Blair lived with me in my house, praise to God
for the opportunity for housing ministry already!
The team shared the gospel in many programs while they
were here from July 8th through August 5th. These programs where in
plazas, in churches, in cities and in pueblitos. The team impacted our
area in a wonderful way, the ages in the team ranged from 16 to 25, this
shows you can serve God at a young age. In the photo off on the left is
one of the cities they shared in, Tabaloso. I appreciated the
opportunity to get to know the the team members and especially the men,
and to be the chauffeur often for the team. We enjoyed many wonderful
times together; serving, relaxing, and growing in the Lord. To the right
is a photo enjoying God's creation. We hiked to a water fall with
various ones from within and without the church. At the time of this
picture my friend Bethany, from Frontier School of the Bible, was
visiting. She is in green and blue to the left of the picture. There is
a wonderful story behind the days she visited. However this story must
wait for another time.
The greatest impact that remained from the team, purity in the
church. They put together a special program on purity. They challenged
the youth, the church, and myself to commit to purity. Through
purchasing purity rings the team encouraged us, and these will help
remind us of our commitment. Eleven from the youth group came forward in
this commitment. Others came forward including myself. You can see
Renato, a godly young man from the youth group, with Delwin to the left.
Each person that made the commitment, signed, and dated the commitment
with Pastor Delwin signing it as well. This took place before the church
body,and many parents. Here is the commitment. "Today I commit . . . To
living a pure and holy life for Jesus Christ. I will be sexually
abstinent until the day I enter into a Biblical marriage relationship. I
also commit to being set apart for Christ with my mind, my actions, and
a life that honors God. I recognize that I will need the help of others
in this decision. I need others to hold me accountable and pray for me.
I trust that I will be able to keep this commitment through the power of
Jesus Christ."
We must be pure in our actions, but not only there also in our mind.
2 Corinthians 10:5 " . . . bringing every thought into captivity to
the obedience of Christ . . ." As we step day by day through life, it
isn't about the rules, and boundaries but about actively living a life
pleasing to God. Jeremy shared that we shouldn´t come up to the line but
run away from the line. 2 Peter 1:2-11 "But also for this very reason,
giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to
knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance
godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness
love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither
barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he
who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has
forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins." (5-9) These verses
describe active steps for living a life for Christ. Verse 9 is a
wonderful reminder that the believer has been cleansed from past sin,
please don't walk in them anymore! If failed in purity you can still
make the commitment to be pure from now on. Psalms 32 is an encourage
portion of scripture related to this. Here is the purity ring I was
given, thank you so much. Inside is engraved 2 Pedro 1:2-11 or in
English 2 Peter 1:2-11 a selection of verses Bethany had shared with me
at just the right time. Now I leave the commitment in your hands what
will you do? Will you be pure before God?

Prayer Requests:
I travel to Lima on August 24th through the 28th to complete my
Foreigners Card.
For Spanish studies to start soon.
God's will to be worked out in my life day by day.
God to bring more people to serve here and soon; locals, and from abroad.
Church property: God's provision for a land to build on, and the
finances for this.

VTI Team - effects of the programs, the purity program, and how God
used them in our lives.
God's amazing timing and speed. His strength in bringing me to do
things outside of my comfort zone.
God's forgiveness 1 John 1:9; Psalm 103:12. God is truly amazing
beyond our imagination.
God uses us to serve Him. Colossians 4:5,6
God's provision through His people, thank you for your faith. 2
Corinthians 5:7

My New Mailing Address:
Jonathan Koehn
Jr. Atahualpa 245
Tarapoto - San Martín
Peru, South America
Please feel free to write!

Thank you so much for your continued prayer and support,
Dios te bendiga, God bless,
Tu hermanito en Jesús Cristo,
Jonathan G. Koehn

Until next time, Live each and every day for Christ, ". . .To Live is
Christ . . . " Philippians 1:21

Jonathan G. Koehn
serving in the San Martín Project in Peru.
Serving God with
Skype: jonathan.g.koehn
Facebook: Jonathan G. Koehn
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