Friday, June 27, 2008

Here are a few photos from Peru

Most of the People who worked at the hotel we stayed at in Tarapoto.
Urs, and Rusburg were especially kind to us. Rusburg helping me and
Josh Fellows climb on the roof. Which was an awesome look out over the town.

The airplane we flew out from Tarapoto on.

Donte and his friend. Donte I hope to get to know more.
He is a pretty good musician.

Another of Donte's friends, Miguel.

Josh Fellows, Will Fellows son. Please pray for his future direction.

A special meal prepared for June 24th a holiday in Peru.
It has green rice, and a hard boiled egg, with an olive, and chicken.
There is a ripe plantain off to the side. Called Juanes

An egg soup custard.

A sunset in a city joining near Tarapoto.

Some plantain and Jwanes getting cooked.

A shrine in a plaza.

Marcus Delwin's Son taking a fun photo.

Some scenery on the way to Lamas.

A house near Lamas.

Another house near Lamas. Notice how there are no
windows. This is to keep out the spirits. It must be
highly depressive such darkness.

Some motorcyles looking up to a Catholic building.

An idolatry shrine in that same building.

Some men from the Pastor's conference in Morales.

More motorcycles a very popular form of transportation in Tarapoto.

The Bible Institute building in Morales.

Some chicken, bad for the chickens, probably soon
to be a meal a very popular part of the diet.

Some mountains near Bellavista.

A stair way up to the next level in Bellavista.

The kitchen at the Pastor's conference in Bellavista.

Mr. Meysenburg teaching at the Pastor's Conference in Bellavista.

An Evangelical Church in Bellavista.

Terry Cline teaching Bible Panorama in Bellavista with Delwin translating.

Andes mountains on the flight to Tarapoto.

Looking out from our hotel in Tarapoto.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lima, Peru

This post finds me in Lima, Peru at the airport waiting for our next flight. We briefly met some people also from Nebraska from a college spanish course I think. We had a safe good flight from Tarapoto. The leg to Miami will be later this evening. It was good to be in Tarapoto. I hope to update everyone on the next step very soon Lord willing. In Christ,

Please continue to pray, and thank you so much for praying and your support.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Good morning on this new day that God has given us.

Last night I finished teaching the evangelism class for here in Morales. Please pray for these men they have many questions. Even such as grace or works. What repentance means etc. I´m glad they are asking and are staying awake even into the evening finishing at around 9:20 pm. I think especially of Lennin who is quick to read the verses and seems so eager to learn, praise God. He is a leader of a youth group.
The teaching was using Richard Seymour´s notes, and book from by John Cross called "By This Name."
Today the classes finish up in Morales. On Saturday I think we´re going to the Prison again. Lord willing I´ll preach Sunday evening not sure if that will still happen but I would appreciate your prayers in that direction.
Please continue to pray for confirmation on direction about Peru. Also please pray that I would be listening to the Lord´s direction. It seems the Spanish language I can pick up some so that is a praise. The need and want here is also shown.
Your brother in Christ,

Monday, June 16, 2008

Teaching in Bejavista

Not sure on the spelling of that cities name. However it was a good time a humbling time. We got to enjoy some of their hospitallity even picking up Agusto and his youth Pastor and others on the Way. Terry Cline taught a panorama overview of the Bible. Mr. Meysenburg Bible study methods. Then I using pretty directly Mr. Seymour´s note and a few other things taught Personal Evangelism. We had to be fast there wasn´t a lot of time for teaching.
Friday evening I got to play some football (soccer) with some of the Pastors. They fed us quite a bit of food. Ranging from salted fish, with yuka. To fried egg, plantain mashed, and fried as chips. Perhaps on another time we´ll be tough enough to stay alongside them there through the night.
We had a bumpy ride to and from which was somewhat exciting.
Please pray for the Pastors there and for the church in that area. That they would grow in the Lord in His Word. Please pray that even some study tools would come there. They don´t even have that many concordances, even fewer Bible dictionaries, etc. They have giving hearts, loving hearts, and hospitality abundantly.
This week we have another session of Teaching, Terry, Mr. Meysenburg, and Myself teach the same and then Mr. Fellows will also be doing a missions class.
Thank you so much for your prayers. Please let me know how I can pray.
In Christ,

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Good Morning - Banana farm, Hiking

Yesterday we went and saw the banana farm that the church owns. It also has Mangos, another fruit, papya, limes, tangerines, and perhaps others. They are thinking possibly about making a Christian camp there. It might be better to do it in the mountains though due to the mosquitos, and getting in and out may get quite muddy.
Today we´ll be hiking to a water fall that should be interesting.
Please continue to pray for direction not an easy decision by no means. The need is great and the help is wanted here. Especially while Delwin and Techy go on furlow during September through early December they would like to have someone here, and Lord willing there will even be someone else who could translate if I was to stay.
However I don´t want to make just a decision for three months for I had decided before that I would like the next place to be where I would stay for a long time but it must be according to God´s will. 3 months doesn´t really give you enough time to really develope relationships and to be really involved in something. I will also need to decide if I was to join Tent Makers and step out from One Way who have been very good for me. I know both are good organizations. Not easy decisions.
Thank you for praying, thank you so much.
In Christ,

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Greetings in Christ

A quick prayer request please pray for the jail ministry opportunity this afternoon around 3pm I believe it is central time zone. Lord willing I´ll be sharing with believers there, perhaps unbelievers (Those who don´t believe in Jesus Christ) Who he is (His Identity) that he is God and what He has done (His History) shown over and over in the Bible in the Old Testament and very specifically in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 in his dying for our sins, burial and resurrection from the dead showing He is God, YAWEH. Hoping to share from Acts 16:16-34

I hope you have a good day in the Lord.

In Christ,

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Greetings from Tarapoto, San Martin, Peru

Greetings in Christ
Buenos Tardes, Good afternoon from sunny Tarapoto. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you so much for your prayers. We have arrived safely to Tarapoto and are settling in. Please pray for ministry opportunities and for language translation and perhaps that we would even learn some spanish to be able to communicate more. I would love to talk but I know so little. The hills around here remind me of Utah the weather of California as far as the sun.
Thanks again for praying.
In Christ,