Greetings in Jesus Christ,
Below you'll find January 2010 newsletter, I hope it will be interesting. If you'd like to view the newsletter
with the photos please open the attached .pdf, if you are unable to view it please let me know.
In Christ,
January 2010
Greetings in Jesus Christ! Praise God for the New Year upon us.
Baptism – God gave the wonderful opportunity for Daniel Melendez and myself to be able to baptize 7 believers from the Community Bible Church. The young men were Sergio, Abraham, Lucas, and Marcos and the ladies were Katy, Paola, and Patty. Patty was so courageous as she stepped forward by telling of her faith in Jesus Christ, why because of her religious background. Praise to God for this courage He gives.
Above to the right is Daniel Melendez
and Jonathan Koehn.
From left to right we have Patty Ramierez, Katy Melendez, Sergio, Techy Fowler, Marcos Fowler, Delwin Fowler, Lucas Fowler, Abraham Melendez, Paola Melendez, Sarah Fowler, and Jonathan Koehn.
Bible studies – God gave the opportunity to teach in two Bible studies in Spanish while Pastor Delwin was on a short vacation in Lima. The first one was a Wednesday evening one where we looked briefly at humility in Philippians 2:3-8. The second opportunity was a Thursday evening men's Bible study where we looked briefly at Colossians 2:6-10. It was wonderful to hear brother Hugo emphasize that we must beware with His voice as we looked at the command of "Beware" in verse 8. This passage addresses the truths that we must walk in Christ, we must beware of false teaching, and we are complete in Christ.
Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ – God gave the opportunity to talk more with Frank, my Spanish teacher. He opened up more but I'm still uncertain about his salvation.
I so want to see him in heaven some day. There were also opportunities to talk with Techy (to the left) who works for Santo (to the right), the philosopher and I also got to talk with two of her nieces. Please pray for Santo who expressed that he and his wife Rosa would like to do a Bible study like when I get back from the U.S. Praise to God! Continued on next page . . .
Getting ready for Travels:
The delay for this newsletter is because of the excitement of the trip ahead and the many things to do in preparation for it. Just to let you know, I will continue renting my home in Peru because of its close location to the missionaries' (Fowler's) home, and its good renting price. The other factor is that then there will be a home to come settle right back into. Also, such things as telephone and internet can be a bit harder to get set up and running here in Peru. Therefore, since I already have these in this home I will continue to rent. Please be in prayer for the home and its protection during that time. Some of the things I brought to Peru will remain here as well as some of the things that I have bought to set up the house (Which, by the way, has a way to go but one step at a time).
Travels to United States and Back (roughly February 4th – June)
Lord willing, on February 4th I will begin my journey to my parents' home in Sigurd, Utah. It will start on the 4th at, roughly, 12:55PM. The journey will include 4 different airplanes and various layovers. I will, Lord willing, arrive in Salt Lake City International Airport around 8:06PM on February 5th. Then, I'll still have another 3 hours in the car before arriving at their home sometime later that evening, depending on all that happens. I would appreciate your prayers as this will then begin my friend raising/deputation schedule. That same weekend we have, roughly, an 11 hour drive to LaGrange, Wyoming where, Lord willing, I'll get to be involved in the missions conference. Thank you so much for praying. Lord willing, I will be returning to Peru sometime in the month of June.
Friend Raising/Deputation
This is when a missionary visits different churches to share about the ministry they are involved with. Often missionaries are supported through gifts of faith from local churches and individuals. Thank you so much for supporting the ministry of God through these feeble hands and feet.
Lord willing, I'll be visiting churches and individuals in Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada, Montana, Wisconsin, and Michigan. I'm looking forward to the ministry opportunities, the wonderful times to get to know more and more Brothers and Sisters in Christ and the privilege of meeting new people along the way. Please pray for this time of sharing and for opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ along the way.
For God's working in my life during these 7-8 months on the field.
For God's wonderful provisions.
For opportunities God has given to share His Word.
For the increase in Spanish understanding.
For Delwin, Techy, and Vikki as they continue to minister in Tarapoto, Peru.
For travel to the states and for travel in the states.
For God's provision through His children by means of friend raising/deputation.
For evangelism opportunities in the planes, in the airports, on the road, visiting, and all along the way.
For the salvation of Frank my spanish teacher, Santo, the philosopher, and his wife Rosa and Techy (not to be confused with Pastor Delwin's wife, Techy), who works for Santo and Rosa.
For continued learning and growing in Spanish.
For me as I readjust to a different culture and as I as "Goodbye" to the people here, for a time.
1 John 5:14-15; James 5:16b-18 ~ Prayer is a wonderful tool of the Lord's. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Thank you so much in Jesus Christ.
I hope to see many of you during the time I'm in the States!
Jonathan G. Koehn
-- Jonathan G. Koehn serving in the San Martín Project in Peru. Serving God with If God has directed you to support please go to Skype: jonathan.g.koehn Facebook: Jonathan G. Koehn Email: Website: ----If you would like to be removed ----from my emailing please let me know, ----thank-you.