Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Back from Camp
1st & 2nd week of camp involvement was Junior and Middle School camp. I was able to be involved
in helping out with games and activities and some helping out with cutting trees, etc. I enjoyed getting to narrate in the reenacting of Jonah, and Ruth.
I enjoyed the time spent with the youth that were counseling, the people helping out in various ways. God is very good so often I forget the blessings He gives. He is reminding me of this over and over. The blessings of getting to talk with a young man up there to encourage him, but he really encouraged me. Please remember what God has done, be faithful in serving Him and get into His Word.
In Christ,
Monday, July 7, 2008
In God's Timing 7-6-08
In God's Timing it wasn't too long ago that I arrived at Frontier School of the Bible (FSB) where I learned more about God's Word. During the first summer of Bible School the opportunity to go to Trinidad, South America came about praise God that He opens doors, Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Will you heed God's Timing perhaps He is asking you to be ready to go.
The next summer found me searching again, the door closed to go to Bolivia but opened wonderfully in His Timing to go to Crescent Lake Bible Camp in Wisconsin with the privilege of learning more about shepherding.
Often throughout the time at FSB God's Timing was visible in His wonderful provision through those years, so much was provided directly through His people, you.
The winter of 07 saw God opened a door in His Timing to intern under John Cook in Guyana, South America. But before that God brought me to Guyana for around three weeks during the summer of 07 to learn more about the field. I came back really not wanting to return but God kept me committed to follow through. He strengthens. In His Timing He provided the means through so many of you to be a missionary and an FSB intern at the same time Praise God so much that He brought me back to Guyana. I would love to share the wonderful blessings God gave me there, sometimes ask me about them. One was learning more and more about evangelism. Learning about evangelism through chronological teaching, and just more one on one opportunities. The month of April of 08 saw the time closing out in Guyana. While praying about the future, even the believers in the church we helped out in Guyana joined in prayer for God's direction, praise God for them. Praise God for John Cook, for Pastor John Persaud and the many believers there. I praise God for One-Way Evangelistic Ministries (OWEM) and especially Jerry & Kathy Singh as they worked with me in many ways helping me learn and even work, and grow through the good and the hard times.
During the time there my desire leaned toward church planting. An opportunity opened to join a Missions team where I would get to see more of church planting in Tarapoto, San Martin, Peru. Once again in God's Timing He had provided in abundance to be able to go on the trip during the month of June for around 20 days to Tarapoto. Praise God for the many opportunities there. I had the privilege of sharing with men in prison through Delwin Fowler who translated. Delwin is the missionary there along with his wife Techy a couple of God who serves faithfully, oh so faithfully. The following week found some of us involved in a Pastor Conference in Bellavista where perhaps we went as teachers but learned a great deal about being humble. We learned about the widows mite as the Pastors there shared with us out of their poverty, to not accept this gift would be wrong, and in the end God taught us greatly. Please pray for Pastor Agusto, a humble hospitable man, His wife will need surgery soon. Before the widows mite was shared with us we had the opportunity to take up a small amount for the surgery of Agusto's wife but please pray that all the need for the surgery will be met. Please pray for the pastors in Bellavista. The following week found us in another Pastor's conference in Morales. Pray for the men at both Pastor's conferences for their financial needs but most of all that they can be the men they should be in God's sight. At Morales Pastor's Conference I got to meet Lennin a youth leader who shared his testimony with a couple of us. He also shared that he had to work hard to be able to be there praise God. Praise God for men who will do much to be able to serve God. Many other things happened during out stay in Peru: Work Projects, football (soccer), hiking, trying different foods, enjoying good coffee, sharing devotions, and sharing in wonderful fellowship.
The team that went was Mr. Fellows, Mr. Meysenburg teachers at FSB. Terry Cline a cook at Frontier. Josh Fellows Mr. Fellows son a previous student at FSB. Even a pastor's wife went Michelle. Raquel another student from FSB but also a native of Tarapoto, Peru went as well.
In God's Timing, God has so far opened the door for me to be able to help in Tarapoto for at least three months, roughly through September 08 and early December 08. Delwin, Techy and their family will be on deputation during that time and need someone to help in filling the need of sharing from God's Word and being with the wonderful people there. This will be new for me in many ways, one way being that I'm learning Spanish and another way is speaking a lot through a translator. Please pray for this that God will be glorified in all things and that through it all, that I can be the man of God He wants me to be. Please pray for future direction, perhaps that this would be where God would have me stay on in continued full time ministry there for long term.
In God's Timing, I'm trying to make another important decision in ministry. Lord willing I'll share more on this later if the need arises and as God directs, please be in prayer.
Here is Alfredo and His family they attend the Bible Church
please pray for them, a very kind loving family of God.
Pray for their future direction. Perhaps Alfredo may be someone that God may lead to help preach in the church and perhaps be the future Pastor there. Left to Right Melony next to her mom Anita. Alfredo. Next is Mariela who was of great encouragement while being there. John Pier in the green shirt a good young man. Last on the very right Rhanoto was saved, He believed in who Jesus is and what He has done for him, while we where there. Not in this picture but in the next picture with Jesse and Melony is Shayla who helps out in this family as well. Please Pray for God's strength and encouragement in this family.
Lord willing the two young men on the side will step up
Please pray for their faithfulness to God.
Here is Delwin, Techy, Marcos, Sarah, and Lucas please pray for their ministry and mnistry in deputation. Please pray for their continued hearts of faithfulness in serving God in Tarapoto, Peru.
This next week July 7 - 11 Lord willing, it will find me up at Cedar Mountain Retreat praying and seeking God's face while serving there hopefully. The following week I also hope to be at CMR as well. The two weeks are as follows Junior and Middle School camps. Please pray for the counselors in their growing walk with God, also pray that the children would grow closer to God. Please pray for God to bring many into the personal relationship of understanding who Jesus is, and what Jesus Christ has done for them.
Please pray that I will be the man that waits for God's Timing, that I will be a man of faith who will faithfully look to Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith.
In Christ Jesus,
Jonathan G. Koehn