On Tuesday October 28th, 2008; myself, fellow missionary Vikki, and Martin had the opportunity to go with Martin's dad, Caleb and two other men from the Gideons. We went to the pueblo (village) of Sauce and another village near there. There is a big lake near the town known as Blue Lagoon in English or Sauce Lake. The day started off from Caleb's house at around 5:30am in the morning. We went from there to pick up the Gideon New Testaments and the other two Gideon men then back to Caleb's house/store for Martin. Along the way we crossed a fast flowing river on a ferry that made its way back and forth using the current of the river while
attached to a cable.

Martin, Vikki, and Caleb on the Ferry.
The next exciting part of the adventure was going up a mountain that proved fairly steep at times. I'm glad we where able to use Delwin's pickup thank you if you helped in providing for this pickup. It has a good diesel engine and if needed high and low 4x4. As we went up the mountain we even passed some clouds. On the other side as we came down we saw bits and pieces of the big lake. We arrived near the first school in the village around 7:45 - 8am.
At the first school we weren't able to hand out Bibles because it was an anniversary. The students where going to a catholic religious meeting. The next school/encampment was military and there the G$ideons left some Bibles for the men. We couldn't go there because they where expecting the inspection of generals. In fact when we arrived it was interesting. Because they came out with a trumpet but didn't play it. The reason they came out with a trumpet is they thought perhaps the general for the inspection have arrived. We headed off to the next school. It went much better there Caleb shared in the first class, and different ones handed out Bibles. (On the way there they said if I wanted I could also share.) Perhaps in the next class is when I had my first opportunity to share from the Bible. The day went fast and I can't remember I think I had the opportunity to share 1 to 2 times in this school. I thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel. God lead me to use the passage in Matthew 14:26-31 about Jesus walking on water which I had learned about from "By This Lamb" a book by Goodseed.com. This passage shows who Jesus is that he is God because of his power over creation. It shows who Peter trusted in Jesus. It also shows that there wasn't anyone else there to save Peter except Jesus.
Which is the same for us, Jesus is the only way to the Father. John 14:6. It was raining heavily, off we went to the next school in the next village close by. Here I had the opportunity to
share 3 times if I remember right. Martin translated every time for me, he is wonderful with language. We were planning to leave and the 1st graders came and said their teacher wanted us to come by. Caleb shared with them, also note he also shared in each class that we personally handed out Bibles in. We tried to get back to the first school two times but it didn't work out. However the Gideons left Bibles there with two Christians to hand out according to the roll sheets. We had lunch by the lake at a local restaurant, went to the police station where the Gideons gave out more Bibles. Saw a local evangelical church and met the local pastor.
Here is a picture of myself and Martin who translates often for me. Please pray for his strength and clarity in translating.
He translates Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday and other times as well such as during this day. Please pray he will look to God in his learning of language. He seems to be a very godly young man. He is a Spanish speaker, good in English, understands Hebrew and is learning German, he enjoys languages.I believe he would like to go to Israel some day.
Here is a picture of the river on the way back to Tarapoto before the ferry crossing. We got back to Tarapoto around 6:45pm.
Possibly I'll have some more pictures, later of this day.
Thank you so much for your prayers and your encouragement.
There are days when your emails/notes mean so much, such a great encouragement.
Thank you also for those who help by providing financially.
Both are important in keeping the missionary on the field thank you
for your faithfulness in this.
Su hermanito in Christ,
Your little brother in Christ,