Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Good Morning - Banana farm, Hiking

Yesterday we went and saw the banana farm that the church owns. It also has Mangos, another fruit, papya, limes, tangerines, and perhaps others. They are thinking possibly about making a Christian camp there. It might be better to do it in the mountains though due to the mosquitos, and getting in and out may get quite muddy.
Today we´ll be hiking to a water fall that should be interesting.
Please continue to pray for direction not an easy decision by no means. The need is great and the help is wanted here. Especially while Delwin and Techy go on furlow during September through early December they would like to have someone here, and Lord willing there will even be someone else who could translate if I was to stay.
However I don´t want to make just a decision for three months for I had decided before that I would like the next place to be where I would stay for a long time but it must be according to God´s will. 3 months doesn´t really give you enough time to really develope relationships and to be really involved in something. I will also need to decide if I was to join Tent Makers and step out from One Way who have been very good for me. I know both are good organizations. Not easy decisions.
Thank you for praying, thank you so much.
In Christ,

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