Monday, May 5, 2008

Praise from John Cook

Hi Jonathan,
Good news today. Nick, Damien and Brian attended Church. All the others
in Nicks family, except Grandma and Preya, went to the backdam. Brian
and Damien attended Sunday School as well.
Cindy taught lesson 9 along with Loretta Bepta (one of my BTN students).
Loretta is joining our Sunday School teaching group, she has taught
Sunday School before. I will be giving her Vol 1 of the Firm Foundations Teacher's manual to read.
John Persaud sat quietly and observed the session without interfering.
Later he and Zed came by and agreed to purchase a copy of Firm
Foundations for the Church. He is also going to recommend that all the
ABC Churches purchase copies. So my soul is praising the LORD for
answered prayer.
Also, I began teaching Nick how to read using the Phonics material I
received. I plan to teach any others who wish to do the same.
Your efforts appear to be bearing fruit.
Lacram and Kamla are showing more interest in the things I am teaching,
and Ram said that perhaps we could do a Bible study once the rainy
season begins, as he will have more free time then.
Over half of the rear patio is paved now so I definitely need to get a
hammock for back there.
Bro John

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