Friday, May 9, 2008

Schedule for May - June

Greetings in Christ,
The schedule seems to be fairly busy for May-June which is a praise to God for His wondrous opportunities that He provides.
-May 11th (Richfield Bible Church)
--sharing in Sunday School about Guyana
-May 16-20 (LaGrange, Wyoming)
--Auditing Tent Maker (TBM) candidate school
-May 25th (Richfield Bible Church)
-June 1st
--sharing in Sunday school about Guyana
--possibly preaching (Mesquite, Nevada)
--sharing/preaching (St. George, Utah)
-June 2-4 LaGrange, Wyoming
--preparing for missions trip to Taraponto, Peru
-June 5-25 (Taraponto, Peru)

Please be in pray for safety in travel and that God's Word
and God's Work would be shared in the proper manner
as God gives His opportunities.
In Christ,

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