Saturday, June 27, 2009

6-27-09 To Live is Christ

Please see the pdf for the newsletter including photos. If you are
unable to view the newsletter please let me know. Below is the text of
the newsletter.

Greetings from Tarapoto, Perú,
The title photo is a sunset here in Tarapoto. The photo to the right
is looking at a park, plaza across from Heber's apartment in Lima. The
one below is looking up the street from his apartment where we would
often go to catch a taxi or mototaxi. However often Heber´s friend Kike
would pick us up in his taxi at the door. I enjoyed the time in Lima
especially getting to see the business of Heber. He has a catering
business serving weddings, birthdays, parties, etc. Also getting to know
others in the apartments and those that live with Heber like
Thank you so much for praying, it is a praise to God to be back here
in Tarapoto, my body is readjusting to the climate. God provided the
opportunity to get to know young adults and youth from the area on
Wednesday the 24th a holiday. We went to the river and for food had
Juanes (rice, chicken, egg, and an olive; cooked and then wrapped in
some leaves and boiled). A jungle sack lunch. Here is a picture before
we went swimming. In the forefront is Christian, next row; left to right
is myself, Abraham, Katy, Paola, Ruth, and in the back is Paol, the
camera man is Dante. It was an enjoyable time with games, swimming,
diving, food and fútbol (soccer). I even got to talk with some of them a
little in English and Spanish.
Please pray for us all to live out James 1:22 being not just hearers
of the word of God but doers. Please pray we will all form God fearing
relationships in our lives. Thank you for your support in prayer which
encourages me in so many ways as God works through it (James 5:16b-18),
and for your financial support through God's direction which
enables the work of ministry. (Ephesians 4:11,12) Your little
brother in Jesus Christ , Jonathan

Jonathan G. Koehn
serving in the San Martín Project in Peru.
Serving God with
Skype: jonathan.g.koehn
Facebook: Jonathan G. Koehn
----If you would like to be removed
----from my emailing please let me know,

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Greetings from Tarapoto, Peru, praise to God

Greetings in Jesus Christ,
Monday I arrived in Lima, having left Salt Lake City the previous
day. All my luggage came through, my guitar that needed to be checked on
the last plane arrived safely as well. In the airport everything went
well even excellent. On the way through immigrations I met a team from
Arizona. It was nice to talk with the missions pastor. I received 183
days on my visa a praise to God roughly 6 months instead of the normal
3, the lady at the counter was kind. I got my luggage and went out to
where Heber, Techy's brother was waiting. It was around 12:40 am roughly
by that time.
The following day we went to CONEP (An evangelical organization)
where we were to start working on the paper work for my Carnet
Extranjeria. However one of the gentleman to help us out in the paper
work wasn't there. So we returned later that afternoon. David Buen Dia
was there and we started the paper work, they do most of it for a person
which is very very helpful. They help by knowing how much the fees are,
give you papers to fill out, etc. He then paid the fees that evening I
believe so then we could go to INTERPOL the next day. We went to
INTERPOL the government, had photos taken, finger printed, hand printed
sorta, throat checked or something. Praise to God that paper work is
started, there is a letter that needs to get to CONEP, hopefully next
week sometime. In about 30 days I need to return to get my Carnet
Extranjeria, praise to God that this is going well Lord willing. This
Card lets you stay indefinitely while updating it yearly.
Met some friends of Vikki who where visiting from Canada, they spent
a couple days in Lima. I got to see some of Heber's catering business
for things like birthdays, parties, weddings, etc. The following day I
joined Felu Heber's cousin who lives with him in getting some fancy
chicken for a wedding on Friday evening. Then we went and had lunch, I
joined Heber and the ladies from Canada, and we rode a double decker bus
where you sit outside, and we went around and toured some of the city of
Lima for around 3 hours. The next day, Yesterday morning I joined Heber
in a flower market where he bought flowers for wedding decorations that
evening. Wow lots and lots of roses and various other flowers. He
ordered some decorations made and we returned. I spent most of the rest
of the day in his house, where they were preparing food for the wedding.
I also got to see where the wedding was at, and saw some of the wedding
decorations being put in place and such.
Praise God for using what He has given us, Felu likes guitar and I
had brought mine so he enjoyed playing, also another young man that
lived a floor or two up enjoyed playing guitar as well, plus it was
different for them to have someone play english songs and try spanish
songs. It was also a wonderful time to get to know Heber better, and
others that lived there. Plus get to know KiKe Heber's friend who drove
us in his taxi around Lima. Please pray for Kike I don't believe he has
trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation. I gave him a tract on the way to
the airport, I hope he will learn more from it and also from Heber and
the other believers he comes into contact with. Please pray for his
Well that is a long summary of a few days. I am in Tarapoto safely
now and look forward to seeing more people from church, and meeting some
new people.
Thank you for praying, for your support, and thank you for your love in
Jesus Christ,

Jonathan G. Koehn
serving in the San Martín Project in Peru.
Serving God with
Skype: jonathan.g.koehn
Facebook: Jonathan G. Koehn
----If you would like to be removed
----from my emailing please let me know,

Monday, June 15, 2009

Greetings in Jesus Christ from Atlanta Airport

Greetings Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ our Savior,
Thank you so much for your continued prayers. This email finds me in
Atlanta waiting for my 5:15pm (East Coast time) flight to Lima, Peru.
Lord willing I should arrive in Lima this evening at 10:50pm (East Coast
time but without Daylight savings time makes it Central Time) Praise God
that luggage for international to South America is 2 bags and 50lb each
for Delta, also I have so far been able to bring my laptop bag, and
guitar on the plane with me. Praise God for the kind people who have
helped me, my family in working through the stress of figuring out what
item to lighten my bag and praise to God the item is one I can buy in
Tarapoto, Peru. Praise to God for my family's tender love. the age we
live in has many downsides but praise to God it also provides for this
quick communication of email from inside the airport. It is so much
easier to keep in touch than in times gone by. I should be in Lima, Peru
the next few days until Friday evening working on paper work for my
resident card and spending a few days with Heber, Techy's brother,
Delwin and Techy being the missionaries I get to work with in Tarapoto,
Peru. I should have internet when in Tarapoto Lord willing.
Please keep in touch, call me on skype, email, write, however you may
feel and please let me know how I can be in prayer for you and of any
other encouragement.
Your little brother in Jesus Christ,

Jonathan G. Koehn
serving in the San Martín Project in Peru.
Serving God with
Skype: jonathan.g.koehn
Facebook: Jonathan G. Koehn
----If you would like to be removed
----from my emailing please let me know,

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thank you for praying - Update on what is going on in San Martin and surrounding area in Peru

Pastor Delwin updated me, Encouraging news.

Jonathan, the congress put on hold the two laws that affected the jungle area yesterday and it looks like they will try to understand the indians.  Today the strike is really just a demonstration and even more of a rememberance of the ones who died last Friday.  The motocars are working and everything seems quite normal.  PTL  I imagine that tomorrow will be completely normal.  Don´t get concerned about coming, it should be fine by the time you get here.  Have a great day and God bless,  Delwin  Also it sounded like the roads would reopen on Monday to Tarapoto from what was shared with me (Jonathan) yesterday.  Thank you all so much for praying!  
--  Jonathan G. Koehn  serving in the San Martín Project in Peru.   Serving God with Skype: jonathan.g.koehn Facebook: Jonathan G. Koehn Email: Website: ----If you would like to be removed ----from my emailing please let me know, ----thank-you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A follow up email explaining in english what is happening in San Martin & Amazonas in Peru

The indigenous people of this region have been on strike around 50 days or more.
Below is an article talking about the strike in english. Presently in Tarapoto where Delwin and Techy Fowler are at
the street electricity is being turned off and maybe in the houses soon. They are unable to get
gas for the cooking stove. It is affecting other resources as well.
The pictures in the former email are about what occurred on last friday the 5th of police and the indigenous people.
Some 9 died of the indigenous and 9 police others wounded I believe. The reports vary. Please pray for
a soon resolution.

Peru Declares State of Emergency, Deploys Special Forces to Break Up Indigenous Protests

LIMA, Peru, May 14 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In Peru, indigenous protests against recent government decrees affecting their land and resource rights continue to spread throughout the country. Amazon Watch has received several alarming reports of violent crackdowns against peaceful demonstrators by Special Forces after President Alan Garcia declared a state of emergency in the Cusco, Ucayali, Loreto and Amazonas regions over the weekend.

For the past month, indigenous peoples have blockaded roads and rivers throughout the Amazon to protest new decrees which make it easier to transfer indigenous peoples' land and resource rights to oil, mining, logging and agricultural companies to the detriment of local inhabitants. The decrees have also set the stage for the privatization of water resources.

In the town of Bagua in the Amazonas region near the border with Ecuador, there have been reports that on Sunday armed forces cracked down on peaceful Awajun and Huambis demonstrators on the Corral Quemado Bridge resulting in several serious injuries. Two people are reported missing.

Elsewhere, several thousand Shawi and Cocama Cocamillas have blockaded the road between Yurimaguas and Tarapoto, a major transport route.

Yesterday in Lima, Peru's Prime Minister, Yehude Simon met with leaders of AIDESEP, Peru's leading indigenous rights organization.

Last Friday 42 indigenous leaders staged a hunger strike in the Peruvian Congress to demand that the full legislature debate the repeal of the decrees and eight Peruvian Catholic bishops issued a statement saying the decrees were a "twisted concept of development" that "threaten to increase regional poverty" in the Amazon.

The Peruvian government has auctioned off huge swaths of indigenous lands to mining and energy concessions. During the month-long protest, the Garcia administration has signed contracts for another 15 oil concessions - the majority of them in the Amazon.

"The government has not defended us against the oil, mining and logging companies that continue to pollute our communities after they illegally entered our lands," said Alberto Pizango, the president of AIDESEP. "The government is not abiding by international treaties signed by Peru as well as our own Constitution."

"We urge the Garcia administration to refrain from using force and instead enter into meaningful talks with indigenous peoples to resolve their legitimate concerns," said Atossa Soltani, Executive Director of Amazon Watch.

SOURCE Amazon Watch

Related Links:

--  Jonathan G. Koehn  serving in the San Martín Project in Peru.   Serving God with Skype: jonathan.g.koehn Facebook: Jonathan G. Koehn Email: Website: ----If you would like to be removed ----from my emailing please let me know, ----thank-you.

Please pray for San Martin, Amazonas in Peru

This is a forwarded by Pastor Delwin from Peru. Bewarned! Some of the links contain very very graphic images! Not recommended for children!
Around 9 indigenous and 9 Police have already died, please pray it sounds like more people will be involved tomorrow Thursday June 11th.
Please pray for a speedy resolution, God's will to be done. Please pray for a safe arrival for me. God is the One who is in control. The field is
full of turmoil but people die daily quite literally separated from God! Please pray!

Forwarded Email:
Jonathan, maybe you could find some web sites that show you what happened Friday.  Some of the pictures are very graphic.  If this doesn´t give you enough info let me know and I´ll try to get you something else or forward the original, but it has a ton of email addresses on it.  Thanks for your prayers,  Delwin  GUARDEMOS UN MINUTO DE SILENCIO. -------------------------------------------- Por los 200 indigenas fallecidos y desparecidos  El dia de ayer 05 de Junio a las 5:30 am, el Presidente Alan Garcia, con su ministra Mercedes Cabanillas y su titere Yehude Simon, ordenaron masacrar a nuestros hermanos indigenas de bagua, decimos que fue una masacre porque otra denominacion no se le puede dar a esta actitud del Alan Garcia de enviar a efectivos de la DIROES, armados hasta los dientes con orden de matar a todo aquella persona que apoye la protesta.  Pero este gobierno no contento con esto, tiene el descaro de decir que las victimas fueron los Policias y no los indigenas, pues los medios de comunicacion manipulados por el gobierno solo informaban mentiras, a su conveniencia.  Cuando la realidad es totalmente distinta, pues se estima de un total de 200 Indigenas asesinados, donde muchos de ellos fueron quemados, otros tirados al rio marañon y utcubamba, teniendo por finalidad desaparecer los cuerpos y con ello limpiarse de toda culpa, como ya es costumbre del Gobierno del APRA. ( Solo recuerden la matanza de su primer gobierno)  La unica finalidad de nuestros hermanos indigenas es proteger el pulmon de nuestro Perú, para que en unos años mas adelante nuestros hijos tengan un lugar donde vivir, pues si permitimos que ALAN GARCIA, siga con su actitud prepotente y mandona terminara por destruir nuestra selva, pues en unas declaraciones dadas por él lo dice claramente: "que hay muchas muchas hectarias de selva para talar", ademas de sus oscuras intensiones de vender nuestra selva a las Transnacionales para explotar el petroleo y con ello la contaminacion, pero a él poco le importa pues está claro que él se lleva unas jugozas comisiones.  PROTEJAMOS A NUESTRO QUERIDO PERU, DE ESTE SEÑOR QUE QUIERE VENDER LA RIQUEZA MAS IMPORTANTE DE NUESTRO PAIS.  RECUERDEN QUE ESTAMOS EN UN PAIS DEMOCRATICO. PERO AL PARECER NO RESPETAN SIQUIERA LOS DERECHOS FUNDAMENTALES.  Les invito a revisar las siguientes direcciones:  124 fotos donde demuestra la indignante masacre a nuestros hermanos indigenas.   Videos de los acontecimiento:   LA SELVA ES DE TODOS Y ES EL FUTURO PARA NUESTRO HIJOS. ¡¡¡ No permitamos que ALAN GARCIA nos vea la cara de tontos una vez más.!!!  TODOS UNIDOS MARCHEMOS EL 11 DE JUNIO, POR ESTA CAUSA En chiclayo Parque Obrero 9:30 a.m.  ALAN GARCIA PEREZ MERCEDES CABANILLAS YEHUDE SIMON  LOS PERUANOS LES REPUDIAMOS, PERO TARDE O TEMPRANO TIENEN QUE PAGAR POR ESTE GENOCIDIO.   ------------------------------------------------------------ REENVIA ESTE EMAIL A TODOS TUS CONTACTOS, HAGASMOSLO SABER A TODO EL PERU LA VERDAD DE LOS HECHOS. ------------------------------------------------------------  Algunas fotos de las 124:  

--  Jonathan G. Koehn  serving in the San Martín Project in Peru.   Serving God with Skype: jonathan.g.koehn Facebook: Jonathan G. Koehn Email: Website: ----If you would like to be removed ----from my emailing please let me know, ----thank-you.