Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thank you for praying - Update on what is going on in San Martin and surrounding area in Peru

Pastor Delwin updated me, Encouraging news.

Jonathan, the congress put on hold the two laws that affected the jungle area yesterday and it looks like they will try to understand the indians.  Today the strike is really just a demonstration and even more of a rememberance of the ones who died last Friday.  The motocars are working and everything seems quite normal.  PTL  I imagine that tomorrow will be completely normal.  Don´t get concerned about coming, it should be fine by the time you get here.  Have a great day and God bless,  Delwin  Also it sounded like the roads would reopen on Monday to Tarapoto from what was shared with me (Jonathan) yesterday.  Thank you all so much for praying!  
--  Jonathan G. Koehn  serving in the San Martín Project in Peru.   Serving God with Skype: jonathan.g.koehn Facebook: Jonathan G. Koehn Email: Website: ----If you would like to be removed ----from my emailing please let me know, ----thank-you.

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