Saturday, April 12, 2008

Local Church Board Organization

-Today was a day of seeing more of the local church board organization here in the Berbice region of Guyana.
-We heard reports from various churches such as. Canje, Edinburgh, Tain, Nigg, Village 19, and one or two others.
-We also heard reports from a missionary couple on the field.
-It was a good time of fellowship with various leaders, through singing, reports,
even a bit of eating. Even a bit of fellowship while riding in the back of the Lorry to and from. We picked up two men from Canje Bible Church on our way there and dropped them and Pastor Jacob off.
-So often it can seem like one gets away in their own little nitch missing the big picture of what is going on.
Praise the Lord!
In Christ,
Jonathan G. Koehn

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