Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday the 28th
I had the privilege to share at my home church Richfield Bible Church about the needs in Peru. Also that if God would direct me to return there. Praise God for the opportunity to share and I hope it was a edifying tool for the church.
I hope to directly contact some other churches if the opportunity to present there may be open. But if individuals or families would like to hear more directly please feel free to contact me I would love to share.
Your brother in Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Greetings from Utah
Thank you all for praying, God brought me safely and smoothly back home through the 3 flights. I had three different people to talk to while in the airport in Lima during my long layover. In Houston only barely enough time to go from one flight to the next. In Las Vegas it wasn't long before I met up with my Dad, Mom, and sister. Praise God. Enjoyed going to a Christian book store with knick-knacks. Then spent a little time trying to get on the free way and then heading back home. I slept off and on through the ride back. Only two days away to the day when we celebrate Jesus humbling becoming man so that he could die for our sins as 100% God and 100% Man. Praise God. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas celebrating what God has done for us.
Tu hermanito en Jesus Cristo,
Your little brother in Jesus Christ,
Monday, November 17, 2008
Giants you're battling
I was reminded yesterday through the song "Voice of Truth" about David & Goliath and how the song compared Goliath to the problems we are battling in our own lives. Perhaps we are struggling with a sin and it keeps tearing away at us. As Goliath mocked David perhaps this foot hold of sin has been eating away at serving God. If you are struggling in this way please turn to God knowing you need Him. David did not fight against Goliath on his own. He went against Goliath in the strength of the LORD. When David approached Saul to go before Goliath "And David said, 'The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.'" 1 Samuel 17:37. Remember this amidst what ever is striking you down. The LORD can deliver turn to Him.
I've been encouraged by an older couple in our church. Brother Ricardo and his wife Asucena they have built me up many time while being here, Brother Ricardo loves to joke and encourage. I often get to eat lunch with them, and he serves often in Wednesday evenings by leading out the service. His wife Asucena is a great encouragement in her preparation of meals for me from time to time and their great care for myself and others.
There are also the brothers Carlitos and Dante that have been an encouragement. Carlitos in his faithfulness in coming early on Sunday mornings to setup, and in his joyful spirit, he is also helping out on Saturday evenings with the youth in leading games. Dante in often helping with music, on Sunday mornings and on Saturdays in music and helping in games.
A sister that has been an encouragement is seeing sister Vikki take the step of faith to serve God here in teaching Delwin & Techy Fowler's children. While they are in the states she has been a great encouragement and a sounding board in another country where those that can speak english are few and far between.
I'm also encouraged by Martin who Sunday after Sunday, Wednesday after Wednesday, and Saturday after Saturday has been faithfully translating this is no small task. He has been very faithful in translating. Looking over material before and translating the day of the sermon, study, or devotion for myself and others at times.
There are others that are an encouragement whether it is young Ugito who is quick to answer questions on Wednesday evening Bible study. Or young Chandra a little girl up the street who likes to say hi.
There are more people that I could share about perhaps another time you may hear more about the people. Please pray for Community Bible Church.
As you look a those goliaths around you please remember the precious people that God has put in your life.
December is fast approaching with the return of Delwin & Techy and the return of myself to the states. In a sense the time for a decision is coming up very fast, I'm often reminded of this decision as people even here are asking what will you do Jonathan. I want God's will to be done, I know I'm not worthy to serve in His ministry day by day but if He would use me I hope for the strength to serve Him.
Su hermanito en Cristo,
More sermons posted
Please go to Translated Sermons in Genesis.
I hope you have a wonderful day in the LORD.
Su hermanito en Cristo,
Jonathan Koehn
Friday, October 31, 2008
Praise God for His Opportunities
On Tuesday October 28th, 2008; myself, fellow missionary Vikki, and Martin had the opportunity to go with Martin's dad, Caleb and two other men from the Gideons. We went to the pueblo (village) of Sauce and another village near there. There is a big lake near the town known as Blue Lagoon in English or Sauce Lake. The day started off from Caleb's house at around 5:30am in the morning. We went from there to pick up the Gideon New Testaments and the other two Gideon men then back to Caleb's house/store for Martin. Along the way we crossed a fast flowing river on a ferry that made its way back and forth using the current of the river while
attached to a cable.

Martin, Vikki, and Caleb on the Ferry.
The next exciting part of the adventure was going up a mountain that proved fairly steep at times. I'm glad we where able to use Delwin's pickup thank you if you helped in providing for this pickup. It has a good diesel engine and if needed high and low 4x4. As we went up the mountain we even passed some clouds. On the other side as we came down we saw bits and pieces of the big lake. We arrived near the first school in the village around 7:45 - 8am.
At the first school we weren't able to hand out Bibles because it was an anniversary. The students where going to a catholic religious meeting. The next school/encampment was military and there the G$ideons left some Bibles for the men. We couldn't go there because they where expecting the inspection of generals. In fact when we arrived it was interesting. Because they came out with a trumpet but didn't play it. The reason they came out with a trumpet is they thought perhaps the general for the inspection have arrived. We headed off to the next school. It went much better there Caleb shared in the first class, and different ones handed out Bibles. (On the way there they said if I wanted I could also share.) Perhaps in the next class is when I had my first opportunity to share from the Bible. The day went fast and I can't remember I think I had the opportunity to share 1 to 2 times in this school. I thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel. God lead me to use the passage in Matthew 14:26-31 about Jesus walking on water which I had learned about from "By This Lamb" a book by This passage shows who Jesus is that he is God because of his power over creation. It shows who Peter trusted in Jesus. It also shows that there wasn't anyone else there to save Peter except Jesus.
Which is the same for us, Jesus is the only way to the Father. John 14:6. It was raining heavily, off we went to the next school in the next village close by. Here I had the opportunity to
share 3 times if I remember right. Martin translated every time for me, he is wonderful with language. We were planning to leave and the 1st graders came and said their teacher wanted us to come by. Caleb shared with them, also note he also shared in each class that we personally handed out Bibles in. We tried to get back to the first school two times but it didn't work out. However the Gideons left Bibles there with two Christians to hand out according to the roll sheets. We had lunch by the lake at a local restaurant, went to the police station where the Gideons gave out more Bibles. Saw a local evangelical church and met the local pastor.
Here is a picture of myself and Martin who translates often for me. Please pray for his strength and clarity in translating.
He translates Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday and other times as well such as during this day. Please pray he will look to God in his learning of language. He seems to be a very godly young man. He is a Spanish speaker, good in English, understands Hebrew and is learning German, he enjoys languages.I believe he would like to go to Israel some day.
Here is a picture of the river on the way back to Tarapoto before the ferry crossing. We got back to Tarapoto around 6:45pm.
Possibly I'll have some more pictures, later of this day.
Thank you so much for your prayers and your encouragement.
There are days when your emails/notes mean so much, such a great encouragement.
Thank you also for those who help by providing financially.
Both are important in keeping the missionary on the field thank you
for your faithfulness in this.
Su hermanito in Christ,
Your little brother in Christ,
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I Come to you today in Two Ways
Please pray for Nilo, for His wife who needs to have a surgery in Lima or she may die. This is a big financial need for him. Please pray for God's glorification in this. That even
right now Nilo would be comforted by God and lifted up in prayer by you all. He is a new Christian but a faithful new Christian. His desire to share the gospel outstrips many older
Christians in the faith. Even today we went to another pueblo where he shared the gospel with two families. Last week he shared with two ladies. He will probably sell his little vendor stand
of Empanda de Yuka's to get more money to go. Another missionary here has helped out. I know many of you would love to help I'm not sure how this is directly possible but I know
that you can pray for God's provision through His way. Please pray for clarity in God's direction. Perhaps the church here may take a love offering for them on Wednesday night.
2nd Way Will you give God praise?
For Nilo and him stepping out to share the gospel. For others in the church being so faithful, and even some stepping forward to perhaps partake in greater responsibilities there may be young adult group
form. Please pray for God's direction and please give praise for the people's willingness. Praise God for the church how some are inviting different people. Praise God for the youth group that is coming out.
Praise God for the opportunities he provides. Will you give praise to the Creator who made the universe nothing is impossible with Him. Praise God that perhaps even today through Nilo's witness that
possibly 3 men Eleser, Raul, Andre, and Eleser wife Elfa perhaps came to Christ. (The names may be misspelled.) Lord willing I'll return with some New Testaments for them. Please perhaps even pray that
Nilo could go and see them again later on.
Please give the glory to God for this is only possible in Him. "Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable." (Psalms 145:3 NKJV)
Su hermanito en Cristo,
Your little brother in Christ,
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday in Peru
I hope you have a wonderful day in the LORD.
It was a good day kinda long and different. The sermon was on "Is there Hope in Life" I think was the title. 1. Life is hopeless separated from God. 2. Life is hopeful with God.
Something like that. Talking about Cain's lineage and it doesn't mentioned them calling upon the name of the LORD. Some of Lamech's sons would have so called prestige in the eyes of
the world being the fathers of various things. Then we looked at Adam and Eve, seeing even remembered to give praise to God then after Seth had Enosh it said people called on the name of the LORD.
Which then later tied into Acts 4:12, John 10:31-33 I think, Acts 16:31
The two men I saw in Morales came though the older one wound up sleeping most of the time I think. The other responded during the sermon. I don't know if either are believers. Possibly though. Then we took some people to a restaurant before going to Papito Ricardo's for lunch. Then I went shopping got two shirts I needed to get change, perhaps other ways would have been better but I needed shirts wound up being around 34 soles which is around $12 US. A lot of money for peruvians but not for americans hmms. Then went and picked a couple of those people up from the restaurant, well after coming by the house and changing. Took them back and then took one of Alfredo & Anitta's son to play soccer with me. Went and did that which was fun. One of them invited me to church in the evening Pepe he is somewhat mischievous. However went and he didn't show up until close to the end of the service. But I went asking God to learn about more of the need here. I met the director of the Evangelical Mission for the San Martin, and Loretto area. So got to ask him some questions and he is possibly coming by tonight. Which he speaks spanish and I don't speak it very well so we'll see what happens. Please pray for direction.
After the service met some people, I enjoyed singing there they had some songs I knew but they where in spanish but the tunes where familiar. The sermon was on Acts 10 with Cornelius but I don't know what he talked about other than when he went to different verses. I'm not sure they preach through the Bible verse by verse and book by book or if it is more in this chapter one Sunday and in a different on the next. It is hard to get to know the pastors as far as the language barrier. Pastor Werrin wanted his daughter or someone he knew to practice english with me, I wound up talking with Pepe she wanted to talk with the young guys. So a different evening.
Then I went with Pepe to Ice Cream got to know him a bit better, including that his sister has cancer in the blood Leukemia I think is what he said. That his dad doesn't live there with them. He plays in a bad and will be turning 21 Oct 18. Seems he is directionless right now, not sure if he is a believer but possibly. Perhaps he is trying to forget about things. I feel sad about his sister. But he also said she believes in God, and I think he said she has a lot of trust in God.
After that we went to his house for a bit where he showed me his electric guitar he had made. Shows again the poorness. I was glad he showed me though he enjoys playing. Then his sister and mom came out and talked for awhile. His mom gave me some platino (like bananas) for frying, (and other forms of cooking) and I didn't know how. So she took a little time cut one up and showed me how to fry them.
So I'll probably try that today.
I think it was around 12 by the time I got to bed.
A good day praise God. Please continue to pray for direction in understanding the need here. If God wants me to return and in what form. It seems in shepherding it has really helped me to grow, because it helps me to have a caring heart about other people which I really love that God is creating that more and more in me. Evangelism is good but seems perhaps God is directing more toward shepherding in the sense of longer term relationships.
Thank you so much for praying,
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Will you walk?
This evening I walked over to Morales to give Dante the lesson for youth group on Saturday. Please pray for him that he'll be able to help in translating. (Another story)
On the way there I got to look out over the valley the jungle covered mountains. Into God's glorious sunset.
I passed by a welding & mechanic shop I believe it is the gentleman who owns it said hi and I stopped for a bit to talk with him and his friend. They took a couple tracts and even gave me their names and phone numbers. Later I found out they are evangelical I think.
I continued on my way dropped off the lesson at Dante's house spent a bit of time there. I came back the same way and the shop owner was still there. He invited me for a drink (it is possible he and his friend may have been drunk for the 2nd conversation), he bought me a kola naranja. We chatted for awhile, him and his friend. They both are older men. He wound up buying me supper from across the street, it was very good fries, chicken, with some greens covered in mayonnaise and ketchup.
Praise God for his wonderful opportunities.
You never know what may happen, please be open to how God may use you today, perhaps even try walking some place and talking with some people.
In Christ,
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday Evening and Sunday's Audio
Sunday morning's Sermon Genesis 4:1-16 on Cain and Abel
Let me know if you find these helpful or interesting.
Thank you,
Friday, September 26, 2008
God's Creation is Beautiful
Today I went driving around trying to find the Plantain Farm that
Delwin and Techy have. I wasn't able to find it but that is not
why I wrote. I've been wanting to see people the way God does, there is
still so much to understand in this but He taught
me a small bit today.
I was looking at His wonderful creation a mountain/hill here with
jungle on it off in the distance as I stopped
and took a photograph.
It was beautiful. But did you know that each
person God has made is more beautiful to Him.
They are so precious in His sight. Precious enough to die for. Why do I,
why do we look at people judging them as we pass on by?
Look with God's eyes. Please pray that I would see people the way God
sees them. Please pray the same for yourself.
Thank you for your love and your prayers.
Tu hermanito en Cristo,
Your little brother in Christ,
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Genesis 3:1-24 in English/Spanish
Genesis 3:1-24
I hope all is going well please let me know how I can be praying for you.
In Christ,
Monday, September 15, 2008
Audio sermons
Acts4:1-12 "No Other Name"
It is in English, and translated into Spanish. Most of the verses are read in Spanish.
If you have any questions please let me know.
In Christ,
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Health and Opportunites
So during youth group I started to not feel so good. So I had to leave a bit early. The nights sleep was not the best. This mornings sermon was not very expressive. I felt bad about that. I didn't eat too much lunch then slept a lot this afternoon. Which helped to get me ready for the opportunity to share at another church this evening. Praise God I felt a lot better I had the opportunity to share from Acts 4:1-12. It was more expressive I think. Thank you so much for praying. It helps me keep healthy and going, and encouraged. Please remember Martin my translator in prayer. It is complicated to translate and not so easy. Pray for his voice which gets sore after speaking for a long time. I had a blast also meetings Martin's soon to be little step sister. She was full of energy and so cute.
God is good in all things. We need to praise Him in the Good times, and we need to praise Him in what we see as bad times.
Remember these both can be a glory to God.
Praise God!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Greetings in our most Precious Savior who is ever Faithful
Dante and Josue came to youth group along with Renato, Jean Pierre, Melony, and Vikki.
Missed Carlitos not sure where he was at, perhaps working. Martin is enjoying translating more
and more I think he said he felt expressive. That is really neat. After Bible study which was
on Prayer. We made frozen coffee smoothies, with frozen coffee, leche, and azucar. Chocolate powder
and vanilla. We were going to try volley ball earlier on but I think it was given up for cards, and watching soccer
on TV. The guys stayed awhile longer than the gals, watching Peru versus Venezuela. Peru won I think! Then we
had a little food afterwards, thanks for the sloppy joe meat Techi.
Renato, and Carlitos came early and helped setup. Carlitos is fun gave him a couple cups of coffee later on he came
out with a hat and trying to sell tickets. He is fun.
This morning Huegle led off with prayer and music. Dante helped with playing the guitar and Carlitos also helped in singing.
We spoke on Genesis 1 - 2:3 about God shown through creation. Martin said he really likes to translate. That is wonderful
to hear.
Papi Ricardo and Mami stayed here for lunch Mami made lunch (Sorry Techi I can't remember your mom's name
can you please remind me of it again.) It was good it helped me with spanish, like I think I'm to go to where Mami works
tomorrow for lunch and I think Papi is going to take me on his motorcycle. It was a good lunch
with chicken, rice, and yuka, plus some cucumber, tomato, and onion salad. With some Uva (Grape) juice to drink which was
really good. They mentioned about Delwin setting at the head of the table and where Techi, Marcos, Lucas, and Sarah sit. They
miss you, Delwin, Techi and family.
Papi Ricardo helped with counting the offering like was setup. I feel bad, that I can't talk easier or more with them I want
to learn spanish quickly. I guess the most important is practice, practice, practice.
This afternoon, at 3 to go with Alfredo, family, Dante, and Carlitos to Cumbaza river for swimming. Possibly being with Alfredo
and family this evening.
Tomorrow will probably be studying for Wednesday's Bible Study, to get it to Martin hopefully tomorrow so he can prepare amidst his busy
schooling, and work schedule.
Hoping to get ahead for next weekend as well, it will be busier with Saturday, Sunday morning and evening. All is good though.
I'll need to get a jump on it early some would like to visit Moyobamba on Thursday and I would like to visit the capital city
of San Martin as well.
Thank you for your continued prayers, as God continues to move, for it is beyond me in so many ways. It is of God. A challenge
somehow if you would step out in faith to see God work wondrously.
God bless,
Tu hermano en Cristo,
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Greetings in the Lord's Faithfulness
faithful youth that came. Jean Pierre, Renato, Melony, and even someone they knew who was staying with them Aldo came. Praise God!
-Wednesday Papi Ricardo opened up service. He lead a few songs, read Joshua 1:9. Then myself and Martin shared from Genesis 12:1-9
What an encouragement it is to see the church coming together and helping in the time of need.
-Today we have Reunion de Adolescentes (Youth Group) I hope it will also go well.
-Praise God for Martin who has been translating for me. He is very faithful. He is even working at his dad's shop and also attending University. Pray for His courage and strength.
-Yesterday Dante invited me over to his house for lunch. Thanks to Doris his mom for the wonderful meal.
-This past Thursday Jean Pierre helped with putting some diesel in the pickup, even simple things are much
harder as you're learning to communicate.
I thank God for those who are stepping up and helping us out.
Thank you for your steadfast prayers in the Lord Jesus Christ who is ever faithful,
Tu hermano en Cristo,
Monday, September 1, 2008
Greetings from Tarapoto, San Martin, Peru,
I safely arrived in Lima, Peru on the 18th of August in the evening. I waited a little while for Techy Fowler, Delwin's wife to meet up with myself
and another missionary from Canada. We spent a few days in Lima, getting some paperwork done for Vikki the other missionary and also doing some shopping.
I didn't need to get a visa extension because the Lord provided at Immigration, the man gave me 183 days the normal is 90 days. Praise God! Thank you so much
for praying about that.
While here the opportunities right off look to be preaching on Sunday mornings in Genesis 1-11 and Bible study on Wednesday evenings in Genesis 12-50. Also
the opportunity to be involved in teaching discipleship/evangelism with/to the youth on Saturdays. Who knows what other opportunities God will open up. One is
being involved more with Martin, my translator, who will be teaching me Spanish also. He is a very smart young man who knows Spanish, much English and even some
Hebrew. At the time of writing this email we have already met twice for lessons, pray for his time table. Because He is busy with working at his dad's copy shop,
going to the University and helping me.
On another note, a couple people have asked about if I needed support while I'm here. A bit of information on that, I'm a Missionary here with
One Way Evangelistic Ministries based out of Cheyenne, Wyoming. As far as prayer support please definitely keep praying for me, this is what helps keep a
missionary going on the field. It is a powerful tool, someday perhaps we will understand how very powerful of a tool it truly is.
On the financial side there is a need also but this is something I want in God's hands if you would talk to God about this and you are directed to help.
Then please email me at with any questions. Please know that God is providing through you thank you so much.
This is very great praise to God.
Please pray for my quick, understanding, and learning of Spanish. I would love to talk, and minister more and more with the people here. Please pray that deputation
will go very good for Delwin, Techy & family the missionary family who's big shoes myself, Vikki and the church will be trying to fill. Please pray for my fellow missionary
here, as she prepares more for teaching of Delwin & Techy's children when they come back from the states. Pray for her housing. She will also help out in other ways
such as with youth and no doubt more.
Please also pray for decisions about Peru, perhaps the Lord will have me to minister here full time. Lord willing I'll be here until December 20th when I'll be returning
to the states, pray for future direction.
My mailing address here in Peru is.
Delwin Fowler
c/o Jonathan Koehn
JR. Jose Pardo 317
Tarapoto -- San Martin
Peru, South America
(Note if you send mail, postal or package please send it
by normal postal mail not by a carrier like UPS the hassle
is great and we may not receive it even. Thank you)
Phone Number:
Thank you so much,
Tu hermano en Cristo,
Your brother in Christ,
Jonathan Koehn in Peru, South America
serving as a missionary with One Way Evangelistic Ministries.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Vaction Bible School, and Cedar Mountain Retreat Photos
If you all have any questions please feel free to email me at
In Christ,
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
New Slideshow of ministry, friends, added
PS. Perhaps soon I'll have some Vacation Bible School pictures soon.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Praise God for plane tickets
I was concerned about plane tickets as the date to go to Peru got closer and closer. Plane tickets have been purchased praise God! Lord willing on the 18th of August in the morning I will fly out of Las Vegas, from there to Houston, and then to Lima where Techy Fowler will meet up with myself and another missionary coming in. We will spend a day or so in Lima getting Visa Extensions Lord willing to extend our visas from 90 days up to 5 months. On the 21st of August we will fly from Lima to Tarapoto where we will settle in for a few days before Delwin, Techy & family come to the states for deputation.
If you would like to meet them they will be sharing at the missions conference this fall at Frontier School of the Bible also they will be sharing at the Bible Church in Lindon, Utah on the 28th of September.
While in Peru Lord willing I'll be preaching most Sundays, teaching most Wednesdays, and helping out with youth group on Saturdays. It will be busy but good, I will also be learning Spanish while I'm there. Pray that I learn fast, and that it gets ingrained into me also that I will fit into the culture.
Lord willing I will be returning around the 20th of December from Lima and flying into Las Vegas as well.
Throughout the time in Peru I will be praying about coming back there full time as a missionary there is much need there especially in training, and planting good Bible based churches.
Thank you for your continued prayer and help.
In Christ,
PS. Please pray for Vacation Bible School this next week at my home church Richfield Bible Church.
Pray for the ministry that continues on here. Pray for the youth group to grow in God.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Back from Camp
1st & 2nd week of camp involvement was Junior and Middle School camp. I was able to be involved
in helping out with games and activities and some helping out with cutting trees, etc. I enjoyed getting to narrate in the reenacting of Jonah, and Ruth.
I enjoyed the time spent with the youth that were counseling, the people helping out in various ways. God is very good so often I forget the blessings He gives. He is reminding me of this over and over. The blessings of getting to talk with a young man up there to encourage him, but he really encouraged me. Please remember what God has done, be faithful in serving Him and get into His Word.
In Christ,
Monday, July 7, 2008
In God's Timing 7-6-08
In God's Timing it wasn't too long ago that I arrived at Frontier School of the Bible (FSB) where I learned more about God's Word. During the first summer of Bible School the opportunity to go to Trinidad, South America came about praise God that He opens doors, Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Will you heed God's Timing perhaps He is asking you to be ready to go.
The next summer found me searching again, the door closed to go to Bolivia but opened wonderfully in His Timing to go to Crescent Lake Bible Camp in Wisconsin with the privilege of learning more about shepherding.
Often throughout the time at FSB God's Timing was visible in His wonderful provision through those years, so much was provided directly through His people, you.
The winter of 07 saw God opened a door in His Timing to intern under John Cook in Guyana, South America. But before that God brought me to Guyana for around three weeks during the summer of 07 to learn more about the field. I came back really not wanting to return but God kept me committed to follow through. He strengthens. In His Timing He provided the means through so many of you to be a missionary and an FSB intern at the same time Praise God so much that He brought me back to Guyana. I would love to share the wonderful blessings God gave me there, sometimes ask me about them. One was learning more and more about evangelism. Learning about evangelism through chronological teaching, and just more one on one opportunities. The month of April of 08 saw the time closing out in Guyana. While praying about the future, even the believers in the church we helped out in Guyana joined in prayer for God's direction, praise God for them. Praise God for John Cook, for Pastor John Persaud and the many believers there. I praise God for One-Way Evangelistic Ministries (OWEM) and especially Jerry & Kathy Singh as they worked with me in many ways helping me learn and even work, and grow through the good and the hard times.
During the time there my desire leaned toward church planting. An opportunity opened to join a Missions team where I would get to see more of church planting in Tarapoto, San Martin, Peru. Once again in God's Timing He had provided in abundance to be able to go on the trip during the month of June for around 20 days to Tarapoto. Praise God for the many opportunities there. I had the privilege of sharing with men in prison through Delwin Fowler who translated. Delwin is the missionary there along with his wife Techy a couple of God who serves faithfully, oh so faithfully. The following week found some of us involved in a Pastor Conference in Bellavista where perhaps we went as teachers but learned a great deal about being humble. We learned about the widows mite as the Pastors there shared with us out of their poverty, to not accept this gift would be wrong, and in the end God taught us greatly. Please pray for Pastor Agusto, a humble hospitable man, His wife will need surgery soon. Before the widows mite was shared with us we had the opportunity to take up a small amount for the surgery of Agusto's wife but please pray that all the need for the surgery will be met. Please pray for the pastors in Bellavista. The following week found us in another Pastor's conference in Morales. Pray for the men at both Pastor's conferences for their financial needs but most of all that they can be the men they should be in God's sight. At Morales Pastor's Conference I got to meet Lennin a youth leader who shared his testimony with a couple of us. He also shared that he had to work hard to be able to be there praise God. Praise God for men who will do much to be able to serve God. Many other things happened during out stay in Peru: Work Projects, football (soccer), hiking, trying different foods, enjoying good coffee, sharing devotions, and sharing in wonderful fellowship.
The team that went was Mr. Fellows, Mr. Meysenburg teachers at FSB. Terry Cline a cook at Frontier. Josh Fellows Mr. Fellows son a previous student at FSB. Even a pastor's wife went Michelle. Raquel another student from FSB but also a native of Tarapoto, Peru went as well.
In God's Timing, God has so far opened the door for me to be able to help in Tarapoto for at least three months, roughly through September 08 and early December 08. Delwin, Techy and their family will be on deputation during that time and need someone to help in filling the need of sharing from God's Word and being with the wonderful people there. This will be new for me in many ways, one way being that I'm learning Spanish and another way is speaking a lot through a translator. Please pray for this that God will be glorified in all things and that through it all, that I can be the man of God He wants me to be. Please pray for future direction, perhaps that this would be where God would have me stay on in continued full time ministry there for long term.
In God's Timing, I'm trying to make another important decision in ministry. Lord willing I'll share more on this later if the need arises and as God directs, please be in prayer.
Here is Alfredo and His family they attend the Bible Church
please pray for them, a very kind loving family of God.
Pray for their future direction. Perhaps Alfredo may be someone that God may lead to help preach in the church and perhaps be the future Pastor there. Left to Right Melony next to her mom Anita. Alfredo. Next is Mariela who was of great encouragement while being there. John Pier in the green shirt a good young man. Last on the very right Rhanoto was saved, He believed in who Jesus is and what He has done for him, while we where there. Not in this picture but in the next picture with Jesse and Melony is Shayla who helps out in this family as well. Please Pray for God's strength and encouragement in this family.
Lord willing the two young men on the side will step up
Please pray for their faithfulness to God.
Here is Delwin, Techy, Marcos, Sarah, and Lucas please pray for their ministry and mnistry in deputation. Please pray for their continued hearts of faithfulness in serving God in Tarapoto, Peru.
This next week July 7 - 11 Lord willing, it will find me up at Cedar Mountain Retreat praying and seeking God's face while serving there hopefully. The following week I also hope to be at CMR as well. The two weeks are as follows Junior and Middle School camps. Please pray for the counselors in their growing walk with God, also pray that the children would grow closer to God. Please pray for God to bring many into the personal relationship of understanding who Jesus is, and what Jesus Christ has done for them.
Please pray that I will be the man that waits for God's Timing, that I will be a man of faith who will faithfully look to Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith.
In Christ Jesus,
Jonathan G. Koehn
Friday, June 27, 2008
Here are a few photos from Peru
Urs, and Rusburg were especially kind to us. Rusburg helping me and
Josh Fellows climb on the roof. Which was an awesome look out over the town.
He is a pretty good musician.
It has green rice, and a hard boiled egg, with an olive, and chicken.
There is a ripe plantain off to the side. Called Juanes
windows. This is to keep out the spirits. It must be
highly depressive such darkness.
to be a meal a very popular part of the diet.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Lima, Peru
This post finds me in Lima, Peru at the airport waiting for our next flight. We briefly met some people also from Nebraska from a college spanish course I think. We had a safe good flight from Tarapoto. The leg to Miami will be later this evening. It was good to be in Tarapoto. I hope to update everyone on the next step very soon Lord willing. In Christ,
Please continue to pray, and thank you so much for praying and your support.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Good morning on this new day that God has given us.
The teaching was using Richard Seymour´s notes, and book from by John Cross called "By This Name."
Today the classes finish up in Morales. On Saturday I think we´re going to the Prison again. Lord willing I´ll preach Sunday evening not sure if that will still happen but I would appreciate your prayers in that direction.
Please continue to pray for confirmation on direction about Peru. Also please pray that I would be listening to the Lord´s direction. It seems the Spanish language I can pick up some so that is a praise. The need and want here is also shown.
Your brother in Christ,
Monday, June 16, 2008
Teaching in Bejavista
Friday evening I got to play some football (soccer) with some of the Pastors. They fed us quite a bit of food. Ranging from salted fish, with yuka. To fried egg, plantain mashed, and fried as chips. Perhaps on another time we´ll be tough enough to stay alongside them there through the night.
We had a bumpy ride to and from which was somewhat exciting.
Please pray for the Pastors there and for the church in that area. That they would grow in the Lord in His Word. Please pray that even some study tools would come there. They don´t even have that many concordances, even fewer Bible dictionaries, etc. They have giving hearts, loving hearts, and hospitality abundantly.
This week we have another session of Teaching, Terry, Mr. Meysenburg, and Myself teach the same and then Mr. Fellows will also be doing a missions class.
Thank you so much for your prayers. Please let me know how I can pray.
In Christ,
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Good Morning - Banana farm, Hiking
Yesterday we went and saw the banana farm that the church owns. It also has Mangos, another fruit, papya, limes, tangerines, and perhaps others. They are thinking possibly about making a Christian camp there. It might be better to do it in the mountains though due to the mosquitos, and getting in and out may get quite muddy.
Today we´ll be hiking to a water fall that should be interesting.
Please continue to pray for direction not an easy decision by no means. The need is great and the help is wanted here. Especially while Delwin and Techy go on furlow during September through early December they would like to have someone here, and Lord willing there will even be someone else who could translate if I was to stay.
However I don´t want to make just a decision for three months for I had decided before that I would like the next place to be where I would stay for a long time but it must be according to God´s will. 3 months doesn´t really give you enough time to really develope relationships and to be really involved in something. I will also need to decide if I was to join Tent Makers and step out from One Way who have been very good for me. I know both are good organizations. Not easy decisions.
Thank you for praying, thank you so much.
In Christ,
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Greetings in Christ
I hope you have a good day in the Lord.
In Christ,
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Greetings from Tarapoto, San Martin, Peru
Buenos Tardes, Good afternoon from sunny Tarapoto. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you so much for your prayers. We have arrived safely to Tarapoto and are settling in. Please pray for ministry opportunities and for language translation and perhaps that we would even learn some spanish to be able to communicate more. I would love to talk but I know so little. The hills around here remind me of Utah the weather of California as far as the sun.
Thanks again for praying.
In Christ,
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Please pray
Please pray for tomorrows sermon from Acts 8:26-40 on Philip and the Ethiopian. Please
pray that I will preach from it as God directs.
In Christ,
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sermon and Sharing in Sunday School
-It is good to see more familiar faces of those who have been praying for me while in Guyana and else where.
-I hope to get a newsletter out soon with future plans, they may be repeats but with a bit more information about what is coming up.
In Christ,
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Back home in Utah
God is faithful. I'm presently back home in Utah after a good day of driving a slight amount of bad weather but we made it safely.
Please be in prayer for the opportunities tomorrow the presentation and the preaching Lord willing.
In Christ,
Friday, May 9, 2008
Schedule for May - June
The schedule seems to be fairly busy for May-June which is a praise to God for His wondrous opportunities that He provides.
-May 11th (Richfield Bible Church)
--sharing in Sunday School about Guyana
-May 16-20 (LaGrange, Wyoming)
--Auditing Tent Maker (TBM) candidate school
-May 25th (Richfield Bible Church)
-June 1st
--sharing in Sunday school about Guyana
--possibly preaching (Mesquite, Nevada)
--sharing/preaching (St. George, Utah)
-June 2-4 LaGrange, Wyoming
--preparing for missions trip to Taraponto, Peru
-June 5-25 (Taraponto, Peru)
Please be in pray for safety in travel and that God's Word
and God's Work would be shared in the proper manner
as God gives His opportunities.
In Christ,
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Please continue to be in prayer for the people in Guyana's salvation
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Thank you for praying
Thank you so much for praying for and with me about speaking at KCMI radio on 96.9 in Scottsbluff during Coffee Time from roughly 10:05 am to 11:03 am with Russ.
It went well I believe and a good time of encouragement even for me.
In Christ,
Monday, May 5, 2008
Praise from John Cook
Good news today. Nick, Damien and Brian attended Church. All the others
in Nicks family, except Grandma and Preya, went to the backdam. Brian
and Damien attended Sunday School as well.
Cindy taught lesson 9 along with Loretta Bepta (one of my BTN students).
Loretta is joining our Sunday School teaching group, she has taught
Sunday School before. I will be giving her Vol 1 of the Firm Foundations Teacher's manual to read.
John Persaud sat quietly and observed the session without interfering.
Later he and Zed came by and agreed to purchase a copy of Firm
Foundations for the Church. He is also going to recommend that all the
ABC Churches purchase copies. So my soul is praising the LORD for
answered prayer.
Also, I began teaching Nick how to read using the Phonics material I
received. I plan to teach any others who wish to do the same.
Your efforts appear to be bearing fruit.
Lacram and Kamla are showing more interest in the things I am teaching,
and Ram said that perhaps we could do a Bible study once the rainy
season begins, as he will have more free time then.
Over half of the rear patio is paved now so I definitely need to get a
hammock for back there.
Bro John
Friday, May 2, 2008
Prayer & Praise
Please continue to pray for Nick's, Preya's, Ravi's, ShaBana's, Deolall's, and Yadram's salvation.
Pray for John Cook as he continues to minister in Guyana, South America.
Here is an email from John Cook:
Hi Jonathan,
Nick and Preya came by today as I was singing Victory In Jesus. When I finished, I did a stirring reading of Revelation Ch 21:9- 22:21. When I finished they said they wanted to come to church Sunday, and also Sunday School. I told them that I would drop by Sunday Morning to get them. Just as they left, Damien, Brian and Adija came by. I sang a few more Hymns to them. They liked Wonderful Grace Of Jesus in particular. Then we all sang Arky Arky. I then read the same two chapters in Revelation to them. Finally, they asked me to "Follow us home". It is a very dark night. Yadoram dropped by earlier with some food. Said he wanted to do a lesson. Not knowing what exactly to do with him, I asked him to let me know when his Dad got home from work. My plan is to discuss what kind of study to do with him, or rather, with the whole family, I hope. It looks as if he got home quite late as all the downstairs lights are out. So maybe I will see Ram another time. Yadram did mention that he would like to come to church and Sunday School sometimes because sometimes he is in Mara.
It appears as if the doors you opened are allowing me entry.
All for now. Bro John
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Gospel Praise
I had the opportunity to share with Grandma Ramdeen, who is Grandma of Preya, Nick, ShaBana, and Ravi. I got to share some of the gospel through remembering some of John 19-20. Praise God for the opportunity! Please pray that I will get more and more opportunities and be bold to take them.
In Christ,
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Edinburgh Youth Group (Praise)
A praise that I got to teach a lesson at youth group. Where I've been getting to help out and teach lessons every other time which has been a blessing to be involved.
This was the last youth group before I leave out next Monday the 28th. Please pray that God's Word will continue to work in their lives and that the youth group will grow in the Lord. Please pray for Pastor John Persaud that he can keep youth group going and that someone will be able to help him out such as Keyon in teaching lessons.
Praise God for His opportunities He gives.
In Christ,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Earnest Prayer Request
Today I shared from Mt. Sinai with 2 of the Hindu children Ravi and ShaBana. Lord willing tomorrow I will get to share with Pryia and perhaps Nick.
Ravi & ShaBana seemed to be bored it was probably due to how I was teaching them. However to make sure they understood that the LORD God is not the same god in three religions. I had ShaBana help me read back through Exodus 20:3, and part of 4. She understood I believe however it seems right now she is rejecting the truth. She would hardly talk to me after that.
Ravi on the other hand I hope understood but He did not seem to reject like she did, he perhaps seem to come closer to who Jesus is perhaps. Praise God!
Please pray for Ravi, ShaBana, Pryia, and Nick. Nick often tends to be somewhat spoiled. Please pray I can do a back lesson with Nick, and this lesson, also that I can do this lesson with Pryia. I hope to on Monday read through about Jesus death in John with them if I can.
Thank you so much for praying.
In Christ,
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday School Encouragement
It has been encouraging to see the different ones helping out in the teaching of Sunday school.
Keyon has shown himself to be a leader. He helps in getting Sunday school started. He leads in singing and prayer. He also helps out in other areas.
Cindy has show herself to be a leader and a teacher as she steps up to the plate in going through questions for the lesson and in other areas.
This past Sunday it was encouraging to hear her as she adjusted one of the questions to be more Guyanese friendly. This helped the
children to understand it better. (Locals can do this much better than we can, we don't know the culture to the same depth as they do.)
Here she is going through a review sheet with Deolall.
Keseyon and Trevon also help out in going through the review sheets and helping out in other ways.
They all probably do more than I realize, praise God for this!
Please pray for Trevon, who soon may be moving to USA.
Pray that he will find a good church home to attend.
Your servant in Christ,
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Local Church Board Organization
-Today was a day of seeing more of the local church board organization here in the Berbice region of Guyana.
-We heard reports from various churches such as. Canje, Edinburgh, Tain, Nigg, Village 19, and one or two others.
-We also heard reports from a missionary couple on the field.
-It was a good time of fellowship with various leaders, through singing, reports,
even a bit of eating. Even a bit of fellowship while riding in the back of the Lorry to and from. We picked up two men from Canje Bible Church on our way there and dropped them and Pastor Jacob off.
-So often it can seem like one gets away in their own little nitch missing the big picture of what is going on.
Praise the Lord!
In Christ,
Jonathan G. Koehn
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I grew up learning a lot of mechanics from my dad who is today a head mechanic at a shop. One things we used a lot of was tools. Different tools make different jobs easier and for those really tight places perhaps make a job a lot less painful. Without some tools you really can't do the job right.
A mechanic will find many tools for his trade depending on what piece of machinery he normally works on. A diesel mechanic will find a need for larger wrenches, sockets and ratchets. While a lawn mower mechanic will find need for smaller wrenches, spark plug sockets and ratchets.
I came here to Guyana hoping to learn more about Evangelism a necessary tool for any Christian whether a pastor, missionary, or in any field for a Christian. God has taught me a lot about that tool and even some different ways in how to use this tool.
I also was able to learn about chronologically teaching the Bible a necessary tool for a missionary or a church planter. A recommended tool for a pastor.
I've learned more about preaching a tool for a church planter, missionary and pastor.
Another tool that I learned more about was working with children, especially in a chronological approach. It is different trying to talk to children so they can understand and not right over their head.
Tuesday God brought me to another tool and that was a tool of being able to get Bibles a much needed resource. God brought us into contact with the United Bible Society right here in Guyana.
All of these tools God is still teaching me how to use. It has been very good to learn about so many tools while I've been here.
It would be interesting to see the different tools God is teaching each one of us to use while we are at home, while we are in Bible School perhaps, and perhaps as we step out into ministry.
What tool is God teaching you to use?
In Christ,
Saturday, April 5, 2008
A Season of Change
“In God's Timing – A Season of Change”
Ecclesiastes 3:1 -- God is in control of all seasons.
Time of Looking Back - March: As I look back over this past month, I remember my birthday in Guyana, yes I'm getting older. During March I enjoyed a time of meeting with other missionaries while we where in Georgetown, which was an encouraging time. I also remember an enjoyable time, meeting together on a daily basis as a church family during passion week. This was a good way to remember what the LORD Jesus Christ has done for us. He died for our sins. He was buried showing He truly was dead. It did not stop there Jesus came back from the dead because He is GOD.
Time of Disappointment: I remember during the month of March, the Hindus celebrating the Saturday before Resurrection Sunday. They where celebrating Phagwah. This picture shows partly how they celebrate their holiday. Why must a time of celebrating about what Jesus Christ has done be broken into by false worship?
Time of Change: I write this newsletter seeing changes in the near future. I am rapidly coming to the end of my stay in Guyana, South America. My date to fly back to the states is April 28, only a few days away. I look forward to seeing my family and friends back in the states.
However there are so many children that I have grown close to here. Please pray for their salvation. Please pray for Edinburgh Bible Church with whom I had the privilege of working alongside here in Guyana. Please pray that they will soon have their own land and church building. Please pray for Pastor John Persaud as he leads the flock at Edinburgh Bible Church. Please pray for John Cook as he continues to minister here. Please pray that another missionary will soon come alongside and help him here.
Time of Direction - April-May: I continue to seek the Lord's direction in ministry as I step off the field here. I plan to be in LaGrange, Wyoming area for a few days until graduation at Frontier School of the Bible on May 9th. During this time I hope to visit a few supporters and encourage some friends.
After that time I plan on being at home with my family for a few days. Then I will be attending a candidate school for Tentmakers Bible Mission as an auditing participant. Why would I do this? I'm seeking the Lord's direction, specifically in the location and type of missionary activity. Then I get to go back home for a few more days. I'm so looking forward to spending time with my family.
Time of Direction - June: The Lord has opened an opportunity for me to see another type of missionary activity on a foreign field. Lord willing I will be going to Tarapoto, Peru during June 6-26, possibly longer. I am interested in looking into the church planting aspect of missions.
While in Guyana God gave me the privilege of learning greatly about the missions field from missionary John Cook. I learned greatly about Evangelism and specifically about Evangelizing using the chronological approach to the Bible. God has given me the privilege to learn and use concepts that I can use in whatever future ministry He may direct me into. I have many stories and wonderful lessons learned while here in Guyana. Please ask me sometime because I would love to share them with you.
Time of Prayer: Please continue to pray for the Lord's direction. Lord willing I plan on staying in full time ministry. I believe this is what God has called me to.
I am seeking God's direction in ministry. Perhaps it will be overseas or perhaps it will be in Utah. Perhaps it will be church planting or perhaps more of the kind of work I have done in Guyana. I am also seeking God's will in a mission board, One-Way Evangelistic Ministries has been a very good mission board for me. We will see how God leads, perhaps another board that engages in church planting if God directs me that way. Either way One-Way has worked with me in my learning about ministry and has taught me a great deal. Praise God for this. I know God knows where He will take me. Please pray that I will be faithful to Him daily.
Time of Questions: I know some of you all may have questions that need answers. Please feel free to email me at and I'll try to give answers.